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Elio + Andrea Toledo

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” — Hudson Taylor

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Elio + Andrea's Story

Elio + Andrea's story began in a church in 1996 -- and after 10 years of great friendship, they announced to the world that they were going to unite their lives in matrimony. God has blessed them with 4 children: Madison and Allison, who are 14-year-old twins; Adrian, who is 12, and Benjamin, who is 9.


They both always loved to serve in their home church, and knew right at the beginning of their marriage that they wanted to dedicate their lives to missions + ministry.

That is when God laid a special ministry on their heart -- a ministry of their own. In The Gap. They waited for almost 14 years until they could make use of that name.

Standing In The Gap is something God Himself called us to, according to Ezekiel 22:30. The first idea this name carries is to be able to intercede for those who are far from Him; the second idea is to go and tell others of the loving God who is calling them to come closer and establish a relationship with Him.


Now, Elio + Andrea lead a discipleship program for kids called "Los Seguidores"  (The Followers), underneath the branch of their ministry, In The Gap GT. Each week, they minister to 60 children who receive Bible and English classes through their program. Elio also pastors a church.


It is here, after 12 years of prayer and dedication to following the Lord, where STC came to the scene. Elio + Andrea connected with Bob + Tessa via social media, where they realized that they had all served in the same community when STC was first founded. Since connecting, Elio + Andrea have joined Team STC, aiding in the furthering of the feeding and Bible programs in Pachimulin and Poaquil.



If you want to help Elio + Andrea continue to stand In The Gap, become a one-time or monthly donor today.

©2022 by STC Guatemala.

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